Indications for the effectiveness of the drug
● Crop growth by 10-14%.
● Shrub growth by 0.8-1.0.
● Seed mass increase by 11-13%.
● Root system mass increase by 40-60%.
● Increase the quality of gluten.
● Drop reduction.
● Accelerate the ripening of seeds by 4-5 days.
Inhibition of diseases
● Reduce ash damage by 2-3 times.
● Reduce root rot by 70%.
● Reduction of septoriosis and fusariosis by 60-70%.
● Other products
The norm of drug use
● 50 ml / t
● 30 ml / t
Before sowing the seeds should be treated by diluting 50 ml of Novosil solution in 10 l of water, defined for 1 t
of wheat seeds.
Treatment is divided into two stages:
1. Bartkov phase, 30 ml of Novosil solution is diluted to 300 l / ha in water.
2. The heading stage where 30 ml of Novosil solution is diluted to 300 l / h in water.
LTD “Caucaschem” was founded in 2012. The main direction is applying of Georgian logistic potential for import and re exportation of plastic granules, rubber, masterbatch and agro stimulators